How do I report life changes or cancel my policy?
Reporting a Change
Any life changes must be reported to your policy to ensure claims are processed properly. If you don’t report life changes, you may be at risk of claim denials. Some examples include: Change is marriage status, birth or adoption, starting or losing coverage, death, residence change. Changes must be managed through the platform you purchased your plan.
Cancelling Coverage
Use the same change of status form for reporting changes or through your employer plan administrator.
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Any life changes must be reported to your policy to ensure claims are processed properly. If you don’t report life changes, you may be at risk of claim denials. Some examples include: Change is marriage status, birth or adoption, starting or losing coverage, death, residence change. Changes must be managed through the platform you purchased your plan.
Cancelling Coverage
Use the same change of status form for reporting changes or through your employer plan administrator.
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