Wyoming 2024 Plans
2024 Plans
Fine print
*Eligibility Notice: Signature Benefits are only available for individual and family, native and group plans. Medicare Supplement plans are excluded.
*Preventive Health Care services are covered at 100%, with no out of pocket costs when contracting provider networks are used. Any services performed with an Out of Network Provider will result in copayments, deductibles, and cost-sharing and may result in balance billing. Your doctor must write a prescription for preventive medication services to be covered by your plan, even if they are listed as over the counter. Frequency limitations may apply to to preventive care services such as screenings. Diagnostic tests (blood work, imaging) are not considered preventive. Networks may vary by plan. Please use the Provider Finder to find the providers for your network.
MHC complies with applicable Federal civil rights laws and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age disability, or sex.
See Signature Benefits page for more details.